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Pictures from the Skate Magic Show
Sorry I don't normally cross post between my journals, but I thought some non-skaters might like to see them.
About to hop on toe-picks to a "dunt!" in the music. Notice the chin up and smiling- but oh my goodness, I think I had my eyes on the ice the whole time.
Skate Magic Show Entrance- Notice I'm looking up here. It's because I'm trying to make people think I know what I'm doing. This isn't actually my entrance onto the ice- but the beginning of my program. The music "Stuff Like that there" starts with a "ladies and gentlemen...&..." intro.
A somewhat respectable spiral- and going forward, which is suprising because usually my fwd spirals are lower. I almost tripped going into it, so maybe making it pretty was my way to make up for almost toe-picking. I do need to turn out that back leg though.- my arm did a sweep from my bottom leg to around my head- so that's why it's a bit low in the front. I haven't seen the tape yet- hopefully it did what it was supposed to. Looking to the side with the other arm at the leg was new for the day- I was trying to avoid looking like an airplane.
This was to a real soft spot of the music and I was supposed to be looking down and demure. I don't do demure well- I tend to just smile.
is the ice still there?
Early Autumn
4 months ago
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