Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

Tuesday update
Had a really good skating day yesterday.
In group lesson we started with sit spins, and 15 minutes of sit spins and
my knees weren't hurting!
My arm had been killing me all day (and was still taped from PT) so I
couldn't lift it shoulder height, for the first few tries. But once I warmed
it up, it was relatively pain free (and hurts much less today)- and Andy
complimented me TWICE on my sit spins looking like actual sit spins :)

Then we did jumps, and I worked on half lutz. I think half lutz is my
favorite jump, likely because I can hang out on my right outside edge (my
favorite edge) for a long time, so then when it comes time to jump, I'm okay
with it, so this one actually leaves the ice. (but not much, don't get any
ideas...) We worked on picking behind me, instead out outside- and that's
HARD I feel like my skating foot is going to ram into my picking foot.

And- before going to skating I got an interview :) It's with the Girl
Scouts, a job I really would like. I'm concerned about the rate of pay -
it's about 40% less then what I make now, and it's in Cedar Rapids. I'm
also concerned how the "commute" would affect my skating time. I could just
skate in CR, but then I have to pay for it- which is an issue with the giant
pay cut. I'm looking forward to the interview tomorrow, but I'm also going
to have to discuss with them if the schedule is flexible, if I can work from
home on snow days, and kind of interview them as well.

When I got home I had a bit of a stress breakdown, which really ruined a
great day :(

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