Monday, January 30, 2012

February 2010

2010-02-23 10:20:00
Well, things were looking up.
I haven't posted in a bit- mostly because the computer is downstairs and it's too cold downstairs to use it. Anyhow, things have been looking good. Two weeks ago (?) I did real toe loops. Last week, my lesson got canceled as I drove to it :( My outside pivots are starting to go around - on both sides. We are ready to set my program for my bronze test. So what happens? This weekend I had a major flair up of my tendinitis in my right knee. "Absolutely no kneeling or squatting". I don't really kneel much in my own skating- but with sit spin a required element, that's not good. Actually, right now just walking hurts, so skating will be tough. (I'm going to have to sit out LTS teaching- 90% of what I do is squat or kneel (like a doggy!). So I'm going to try to have my lesson Wednesday anyway- at least get the program layout. Then I'll have to see how long it is until I can actually skate. The good news is the NP wrote the PT prescription for knee and hip- so I'm getting my hip looked at. It's a tight IT band combined with lack of flexibility in the left hamstring. My knees are still having problems because I still have no inner quadriceps. My left knee is doing okay, but the PT manipulation to compare it to the right knee flared it up a bit. SIGH. I need a safer hobby. Like knitting- oh wait, that sent me to PT for tendinitis in my shoulder.

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