To whomever found my sit spin and returned it. Thank you. However, I did not intend for this to be a "trade". Please give me my scratch spin back.
In other news, there is a test session in April. It is the week after I get back from Mexico, but I'm going to try for it anyway- it can't hurt.
Carson thinks we should really try to put the flip in instead, since I get good height on my 3/4 flip. Please join me in a hearty round of laughter: HAHAHAHAHAHA. He thinks I can rotate and have a program worthy flip by next month? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Still, I'm going to work on it. We are going to alternate program run throughs with loop and flip. It is the opening jump, so it doesn't really change anything to do either- I can be flexible.
The other problem is that we changed the entrance to my toe loop- now I preceded it with back crossovers. No problem, I'll just do a step forward. Problem. I like to step outside the circle. Carson doesn't like how it looks. I have to step inside the circle. So now my toe loop is preceded by me thinking "don't die, don't toe pick, don't die..." as you can imagine, this makes the jump slightly more tentative.
I didn't expect to test again until June- so now I feel really unprepared.
Early Autumn
4 months ago
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