Okay, so this review is going to be really
long... I'll start with the dives and then post about the trip in
general, since I'm sure you mostly want to hear about the dives.
For those who don't want to read the whole thing, here is a quick recap:
Scuba with Alison was AMAZING, Cozumel diving was AMAZING, I didn't
suck nearly as much as I thought I would, I didn't get legionnaires
staying at the Sabor and the hotel was actually fairly nice.
Dive Op: Scuba with Alison. This was a FABULOUS choice. I can't
imagine anything better. I had a lot of pre-trip contact with Alison (I
tried to keep it down, but I think it was like 8 emails...) and she was
extremely accommodating, knowing that I was a beginner, and a very
nervous beginner. She promised me that the first day we would stay at
depths that were my comfort level (and she kept the promise). We used
her rental BCs and regs and they were excellent quality. She also
provides a computer with all rentals, and we noticed others who used
rental fins, masks, and shorties- so she's full service. The use of
rental gear was included in our quoted price. We brought our own SMBs
(and my husband uses an air transmitter) and we left them attached to
the BC (/reg) all week- so we used the same gear everyday. We also left
our fins onboard which meant we didn't have to carry stuff around
We got picked up every morning on the dock at the Sabor (which no longer
charges!) by the Maximus. Okay, so in Cozumel, from my observations it
appears there are slow boats, fast boats, and then the Maximus. When
Carlos put the boat to speed we FLEW by the other boats that were
already flying. My commute was short, but if we were coming from the
Caleta, I would be happy to be on the Maximus. It was a very
comfortable boat as well: nice shaded area, padded seats, plenty of room
for 8 divers and Alison and Carlos. You can giant stride or roll off
the Maximus, and are assigned to a position and group for your entry. I
mostly did giant stride but had to roll one day.

Alison runs her dives by letting each person dive their own
tank/computer. She gives each buddy pair the pre-determined choice of
going up together or the better air consumption buddy pairing up with
another team and staying down longer. She accompanies each diver on
their safety stop, and watches them surface AND get picked up before
rejoining the group waiting below her (though she does a good job of
watching that group too- quite the multi-tasker. She is very safety
concious, going to the extreme of actually checking her new diver's
gauges for them! I noticed she did that day 1, asked me a lot about my
air on day 2, and by day 3 she left it to me to tell her, knowing that I
paid good attention. She stayed with the more shallow divers and let
the better divers go deeper with their buddy (or pony).
Carlos was an excellent Captain and I don't think I ever waited more
than 2 minutes to get picked up after surfacing. And that "long" wait,
Alison actually popped up out of the water to yell at him, to make sure
he saw us. The first day we watched two divers float for over half an
hour- we could see their boat, but Carlos couldn't get them on the
radio. Those divers were in no danger, with like 20 boats around and
pretty calm seas, but man, I'm sure that was a long float. That's when I
learned it is important to know your boat's radio channel, in addition
to its name 
Alison also went out of her way to pick up some sea sick meds for my
husband, since we were not staying in town. It was a 'going the extra
mile' thing we really appreciated.
Dives: Day 1
On the pier the first day I was ready to run away. I seriously had no
idea what I was thinking. Why the hell did I want to do this? Once on
the boat, I was clearly showing my nervousness, because halfway through
the briefing Alison actually stopped and asked me if I was okay. I told
her I'd be fine once I was in the water (I was) but I'm sure I didn't
instill much confidence in her, or those who would be diving with me.
Before choosing sites, she asked me if I wanted to go to 20 ft, 40 ft,
or 60 ft. I told her 60 would be fine, and she said okay, maybe a bit
lower, don't go beyond 70, and we headed to Palancar Gardens.
Palancar Gardens
Max depth: 67 ft, Average Depth: 47 ft
Temperature 82 degrees (it was this everywhere all week, so I'm not going to include it anymore)
Dive time: 42 minutes
This was a great first dive. There was basically no current, so it was
easy. I was one of two people who got to giant stride off the boat, and
the giant stride from the boat is a million times easier than giant
striding from a dock at the quarry (I usually freak out after jumping
in, I didn't) I mostly held onto Kevin's hand (Alison had actually
offered on the boat to hold onto mine...but I told her I'd let my buddy
deal with me.) I had trouble descending and got a reminder to exhale. I
think I was having trouble exhaling, because I didn't put ANY air in my
BC the entire dive.
The coral here was absolutely beautiful as were the large variety of
fish. We saw a nurse shark, a green moray eel, and a jawfish. I had no
problems at all during the dive, so it was a good start! We agreed
ahead of time my husband would come up when I ran out of air, and he
told me today after looking at the graphs he did his safety stop with
1000 psi. Sorry honey! However, as nervous as I was, going up on my own
would not have been acceptable!
Columbia Shallows
Max depth: 30 ft, Average Depth: 23 ft
Dive time: 76 minutes

I wasn't at all surprised to go to this dive site as research here
showed it was an easy one I'd be at for sure. I was surprised how long
my dive was! (I think the longest dive in our group was 2 hours!) I
noted that the coral here was less colorful than at Palancar gardens but
there was a lot of life. We saw schools of fish, a spotted eel, sting
rays, nurse shark, a scorpion fish.

Because I hadn't used any air in my BC the previous dive, Alison added 2
pounds of weight to my belt (putting me at 16 pounds), but she took it
out when I was having trouble holding the safety stop. Turns out 14
pounds was right (at the end of the week, I think I could have gone to
12), and I was just holding a lot of air in my lungs.

This was one of two dives shallow enough to take our camera on (husband
manned the camera, not me- though I have dove with a camera before. It's
a little point and shoot, so it doesn't really take much from the
Dives: Day 2
Day 2 I felt a lot better on the pier, and was raring to go after such a
great day the day before. Well, it was Friday the 13th and I didn't get
off to a good start. Instead of stepping into the boat, I decided to
belly flop into it... Alison was holding my arm to help me step in when
it happened, and she pulled up, which probably cushioned my fall quite a
bit, but I have a bad shoulder, so I started off the day in a bit of
shoulder pain, and later found that my hip was bruised fairly well, to
the point I had to start sleeping on the other side for a few days.
What an entrance!
Palancar Caves
Max depth: 68 ft, Average Depth: 47 ft
Dive time: 44 minutes
Palancar Caves also had beautiful coral and I saw my first turtle. We
mostly saw small fish. It was here that I decided I did not like swim
throughs. We obviously only did very small ones, with lots of light- but
I still did not like the single file line. I didn't like to worry about
getting kicked, and I didn't like that it was hard to determine if my
buddy behind me was okay. Thankfully, we only did very few of these
during the week.
Cedral Wall
Max depth: 62 ft, Average Depth: 44 ft
Dive time: 50 minutes
This was the first dive I did that was a real drift dive (and while
there were a few others with current, this might have been the only real
drift of the whole week.) I thought it felt like being on a moving
walkway at the airport, but set to a slightly higher speed. In general,
I liked the drift, but I was really frustrated when we'd stop to look
at something, because it was very hard to kick against the current.
However, this was the dive where there were really things to stop to
look at- saw 3 GIANT eagle rays. It was just the most amazing thing (I
think people who stayed down longer than me saw even more). We also saw
tons (more than 5) big turtles (including one that had a whole bunch of
fish on his back- beautiful) and lots of large fish. There was also a
nurse shark that was out swimming.
Seeing all the awesome stuff made the difficulty of drifting worth it.
Paradise Reef
Max depth: 38 ft, Average Depth: 31 ft
Dive time: 66 minutes
During the day, we planned a night dive- I think almost everyone on the
boat came. For night dive, instead of going up individually at 700 psi,
we would go up as a group at 500 psi. We had one major air hog on the
boat, so I think the plan was to get him a 100 tank instead of an 80.
IIRC, that happened, and he still used his air up so quickly that Alison
changed the plan and she brought him up and the rest of the group
stayed together, and then we went up together about 25 minutes later!
I'm also happy to note, I was not the catalyst to going to the safety
stop (not sure who was, actually- I think it was the girl who was the
buddy of the guy who went up first.)
For this dive, Alison provided everyone with rental flashlights and
CVChief gave us all glow bands he had left over from Carnivale. We put
them in pairs by color so you could tell who buddy pairs were. Alison
had briefed me that this dive might be a little harder for me, maybe a
bit more claustrophobic, but it turns out training in a mudhole was a
good way to get ready for this, because it was my best dive to date and
the first time I had more air than my husband at the end of the dive (I
had 750 back on the boat, he had about 550). I actually thought one of
the cooler things about the night dive was seeing the flashlights of the
other groups. It was like being in an alien movie with dim lights
The dive itself was very beautiful. The coral that is dull orange during
the day was a brilliant red, but wasn't "coming to life" as much as I
expected. However, we saw a ton of huge crabs and lobsters and a ton of
octopodes (see other thread for discussion on how to properly pluralize
octopus). I loved seeing them change color as they would situate
themselves on the coral.
This dive did make me wonder what the "night dive" cert class is-
because it seemed like the only difference for night diving was waiting
until the sun went down to do it. Of course, our dive was very shallow.
Thanks to CVChief for breaking me out of the Sabor and driving me around the island

Dives: Day 3
Palancar Bricks
Max depth: 73 ft, Average Depth: 43ft
Dive time: 52 minutes
Our tour of Palancar continued (I found out when we got home we missed
Horseshoe- guess I'll have to go back to Cozumel). This dive was
another beautiful one- saw a giant nurse shark hiding under a rock, saw a
few turtles (turtles are the best, except eagle rays). This dive kept
my "I hate swim throughs" mantra- but for other reasons. See, my fear of
swim throughs is because of other people who aren't watching what they
are doing and screwing me over. This was a problem TWICE during the
swim through- first was the embarassing one- I saw a guy who was above,
and behind me, was descending to get into the swim through. He didn't
see me at all. I reached my hand up, to so that he wouldn't just fall
right on top of me, and rather than hit his chest, or his leg, or you
know, any other part of him, I basically grabbed his junk. That was a
fun one. And my husband flooded his mask laughing because he saw it
happen. Right after that happened (he was a good sport about it on the
boat- basically saying it was his fault since he had no idea I was there
and wasn't watching where he was going), he kicked to go ahead of me
and so his buddy- who was quite a bit behind me, then starts kicking to
try to pass me- kicking me in the face in the process. Don't pass
people in swim throughs! I was not amused.
This dive was also the one where Alison went into a head first torpedo
ascent to grab a guy from about 95 feet. Turns out his computer was
dead, and he didn't think to mention it to her- so he had no depth gauge
at all! About 10 minute of this dive was also spent hanging out around
35 feet waiting for a girl who was having trouble equalizing. She spent
so much time at 5 ft, we all thought she had thrown in the towel and
was waiting for the boat to come get her! There is a thread in the
basic scuba discussions about how to piss off a DM, and I wanted to
contribute something someone else did on this dive: dive through caves
at 60 feet while the rest of your group waits at 30-40 while the dive
master is at 5-10 feet and can't see you! (The guy was a decent diver,
but terrible at being in a group.)
During the surface interval this dive was described as a "circus down
there". It made me feel slightly better about my diving that she'd tell
me that...
You will all be shocked to hear that these were all cruise divers.
French Reef
Max depth: 59ft, Average Depth: 44 ft
Dive time: 45 minutes
This was the first time we saw lionfish. I feel so bad they have to die,
because they are so pretty. My husband spotted the first one, but
Alison missed it (she got the second one). It was funny watching him
try to signal what it was- we have no idea what the signal for lionfish
is. First he tried to show a mane around his head to me, then he punched
at it, and we have this inside joke about how he wants to punch a
dolphin, so I got really excited thinking there was a dolphin there!
Finally, he went with a machine gun like signal, and Alison figured out
what he was saying. It was a nice display of what real skill looks like
the way she whipped her BC off to get her spear and then put it back on.
I basically go through a cirque-du-soleil routine when I doff and don
my gear underwater.
On this dive we were promised to see a pipe horse, and of course, I'm up
at my safety stop when Alison writes on her slate "pipehorse below" and
after I went up the group saw a giant loggerhead turtle, so this was
more about could have beens than actually saw for me

We did see a number of giant lobster, and again the coral was really pretty.
I went up early because my tank started 200 psi short (that's my story
and I'm sticking to it) and I think I was a little stressed because this
was the first dive where my NDLs were getting low at all. We were in a
swim through (do not like! And this one was long) when it got down to
like 8 minutes... I swam up a bit, but I still don't like it in the
single digits!
CVChief had called us on the boat (it is really hard to hear a phone
conversation on a boat) and told us to invite everyone on the boat for
dinner. Alison and Carlos had plans, 4 of the divers were cruisers, but
the other pair and Kevin and I all went to dinner with them- more about
that after the dive part of the review.
Dives Day 4
So the night before (day 3) it was looking like the port would be closed
on Monday (day 5), so day 4 was our last day. I had asked Alison if we
could go somewhere shallow enough that we could take our camera and
Carlos suggested Paradise Reef. Alison was NOT interested until I told
her we would take a taxi home (knowing that the reason was likely
because Paradise was way North, and she'd have to take the boat all the
way down south to drop us off again.) Thankfully, my taxi ended up being
CVChief, so it's really affordable (for me...)
The night before she also told me we would be going to Santa Rosa Wall
or Columbia deep. This set my nerves off big time again, as I know both
of these are not 'easy, beginner' type dives. (Maybe some of the others
I did aren't either- but I didn't know their reputation by name.) I
know Santa Rosa is a dive that TONS of people do, but I also recognize
it as the dive that a fair number of divers are lost at each year...
So I was kind of freaking out again.
We get on the boat, and we are going to Santa Rosa. Additionally
because of the mix of divers on the boat, of the two of us who giant
strided the day before, one of us has to give up our spot to a veteran
who always has claim to it. I had been doing so much better, so I gave
up my spot and did a roll. I asked to roll in group 2, knowing that
Kevin (and Alison) would already be in the water- for some reason, that
made me feel a little more comfortable. Except that I was told I did a
backflip, my first roll went really well, except I didn't go right when I
was supposed to, when Carlos said go, I said "I can't yet!" but then I
went and it was no problem. My second, not so much on the okay- I
actually screamed a bit from the pain, but wasn't seriously hurt.
However when I got back to the hotel I found out that my upper calf has a
huge, 3-inch bruise from hitting the boat. Apparently I straightened
my legs out when rolling. Don't do that. Luckily, the Maximus was
okay. (The bruise is currently like 10 vivid shades of purple, yellow,
and red.)
Santa Rosa Wall
Max depth: 72 ft, Average Depth: 52ft
Dive time: 48 minutes
Despite being terrified of this dive, it turned out to be one of my
favorites. The coral life was absolutely beautiful. And seeing the drop
off was really incredible. I'm sure you can tell by my depths that I
didn't go over the side of the wall at all, staying on top of it
instead. Thankfully because of the way Alison runs her groups, my
insistence on not going deep didn't really effect others, who were still
able to do their dives over the side. I don't have any note about
seeing fish or anything else here, I just remember it was beautiful and I
can really see how it is one of the signature dives of Cozumel. We
were really lucky that there was just a light current and a beautiful
day. I don't know if I would have liked it as much if the currents were
Paradise Reef
Max depth: 42 ft, Average Depth: 33 ft
Dive time: 62 minutes
Compare this to the picture of me at Columbia Shallows- I got so much
better! I never had terrible buoyancy issues, but my trim got so much
better as the week went on.
Attachment 173769
Lots to see- and totally different from the night dive. I would have
never known it was the same place. Spotted eels, jawfish (that I found
myself!), black durgens, rays, queen angelfish, splendid toadfish (I
found one myself too!), and a drum fish. When we came up it was pouring
rain, brrr. But you'd never know underwater. I also was really amused
this dive by all the snorkelers that were overhead.
Attachment 173766Attachment 173767Attachment 173768
Dives Day 5
So unfortunately for Alison, who was doing a happy dance the day
before about a potential day off, the port did not close on Monday. She
sent us an email saying we had to have a late start for cruisers, the
port was open "with caution", the water would be really rough and
potentially tough on Kevin's stomach- are we sure we still wanted to go?
I felt really badly, but since this was our last chance to dive for
probably a couple of years, we said we really did want to go as long as
the cruisers didn't cancel (we didn't think she would run the boat with
just 2 people).
The cruisers did end up coming out, so we attempted to stay on the dock
and not get blown over by the wind until the boat got to us. Thankfully,
despite the rough water I was able to get on the boat without issue (I
think everyone was waiting for another belly flop). They weren't kidding
that the water would be rough. This was the first day I wore my fleece
at all, and the poor cruiser was a teeny tiny girl who wore a 1 mm skin
and TWO shorty wetsuits and was shivering the whole time. This ended
up being one of our best days, so I am so glad we went.
Columbia Deep
Max depth: 74 ft, Average Depth: 54 ft
Dive time: 46 minutes
So, was this the shallowest dive at Columbia deep ever? Today was a
nice relaxing day because these cruisers were not crazy. Columbia deep
had beautiful coral, but only a few fish. I was pointing out a large
lobster to Kevin and noticed a beautiful lionfish right next to it. I
machine gun signaled to Alison and she came over and got it, and fed it
to a large fish right away. We hadn't talked about the lionfish on the
boat, so I think the cruisers were a bit mystified by what was going on-
but really amused by the great video they were able to get. I did my
safety stop at 800 psi because Kevin was at 700, the last few days I
started either being equal to him or out breathing him just a bit. While
we had gotten comfortable sending me up and leaving him below, I wasn't
comfortable staying down without him. The waves on the surface were
absolutely insane and getting onto the boat was a huge challenge. I'm
really glad I went up with him, because I would not have wanted to deal
with that on my own! The cruisers joined us on the boat about 5 minutes
later, so we were a pretty even group.
Max depth: 63 ft, Average Depth: 46 ft
Dive time: 57 minutes
Our last dive of the trip was a real show stopper. At first, it was just
a few fish, and nothing too exciting. I floated quite a bit above
Alison because again my NDLs were ticking down and I kept thinking "I
want time left if she sees something cool and I need to dive down to go
see it." I am SO glad I went with this plan, because when she signaled
for shark I was able to dive down and keep my NDL at 6 minutes (we were
taught to never let it get below 5...). Well, that nurse shark didn't
stay in its hole, and went swimming across the reef. THEN it was immediately followed by a turtle who was doing circles between the reef
and the surface. And THEN, we heard Alison screaming through her
regulator (not her typical noise maker...): a green moray eel (which
apparently she was looking for in the cave she found the nurse shark)
was our swimming on the reef. It was HUGE! We all did our safety stop
together as a group, and then getting back on the boat was even harder
than the first time- the waves were just crazy.
So that sums up my week of diving. I'll be back later with some above
water activities and hotel reviews, but this novel should suffice for
Top side: Eating Out
This is going to be a pretty short section because we didn't go out
much. In general, when not diving, I was sleeping- an afternoon nap and
then early to bed. I'm just really exciting like that. But we did make
it out twice.
The first time out we went to
Parrilla Mission
This was the night El Jefe and his group had caught some great fish,
and invited all of us to go out to eat. (Thanks CVChief! It was a
highlight.) There was a group of 8 of us, including 2 divers CVChief
hadn't actually met yet (but would be diving the next day). We met up
at the restaurant, they gave them the fish and asked them to cook it.
They made us a feast. I don't eat fish- so this will be my general view
based on what I saw on others: everyone was really happy with how it
was prepared. The tuna was prepared as sashimi and the wahoo 3 ways.
There was also a chicken soup, a rice and vegetable plate, chips and
salsa and guacamole, and flan for dessert. I had chicken tacos, and
everyone had 2 drinks (beer or soda mostly it seemed) and it was one of
the most affordable meals ever. I'm sure part of that was providing the
main fish, but it seems like they could still really mark up the
'cooking' part of it- so I thought it was a great value.

The second time we went out was to
Money Bar
Money Bar actually gets credit for us wanting to return to Cozumel. We
stopped there on a cruise and it was just wonderful. I was glad we went
back. After a dive at Paradise Reef, Taxi CVChief offered to take us
back to Sabor. We stopped to eat on the way. Their Chicken Nacho plate
is huge and was enough that the four of us shared it for a decent
snack. We like Money Bar because it has a great view, great snorkeling
(though we didn't take advantage of it that day), and fairly affordable:
we had the huge plate of nachos, 3 margaritas, 1 smoothie drink, 2
cappuccinos and with tip it came out to just over $50. This was also
the stop where I got in my scubaboard "buy CVChief a drink obligation"

Since he was my taxi for the week, the margaritas were well earned.
If you don't drink alcohol, this is also a great stop because there are
so many good non-alcoholic smoothies available- YUM.
That's it for eating out... we might need to stay in town next time. I
just worry that I'll be too asleep to ever go seek out food.
Top Side: Chankanaab Park
For our no fly day of the trip we decided to spend the day at
Chankanaab Park. We ended up only spending about 3 hours there because
this was the day it rained the hardest (or maybe the day we noticed it
rained the hardest because we weren't underwater- but we never noticed
it stop raining, whereas all the other days were relatively dry on the
boat and just drizzly in the afternoon).
A taxi from Sabor to Chankanaab is $13, and at this point we were out of pesos so we paid the dollar surcharge

Entrance to Chankanaab is $21 per person or included with the
encounters. Despite being a good person who doesn't pet the wild
turtles (still kind of in shock some of the people diving did that), I'm
a bad person who participated in the manatee encounter. According to
the guide though, 2 of the manatees were born in the park and the third
was a medical rescue, so I feel kind of less bad about it. And while I
know manatees are intelligent, they are also pretty slow moving, lmore
localized in their movement, and mostly just like to eat. I have to
imagine they don't mind it as much as the dolphins who are underwater
geniuses that travel great distances and are made to perform for the
humans. You don't ride on the manatees! Okay, that's my defense. I'm
conflicted but it has been a lifelong dream to be in the water with a
manatee, so I took it.
So we started the day with a quick walk to the snorkel area of
Chankanaab. It was lightly raining and it was histerical watching people
in swimsuits dash around with towels and bags over their heads trying
to stay dry. We just decided to get wet. Chankanaab has lots of
seating covered with umbrellas so there were plenty of dry areas.
There are signs that say
life jackets
(not snorkel vests) are required, and they will provide one free with
an ID as deposit. When we went begrudginly to get one, they said they
weren't required, just recommended, so we did not wear them. However,
I'm always a little nervous swimming in the ocean with nothing (we
weren't wearing fins either) so I compromised and took my SMB and
whistle in

(For those that don't know part of taking up scuba diving was I hoped
it would help me with my snorkeling. Last year I was so bad at
snorkeling I couldn't go 5 minutes with my mask on without freaking out.
I couldn't even sit on my COUCH for 5 minutes. Scuba diving definitely
helped, though I prefer it to snorkeling, where I still find it hard to

The snorkeling was excellent and rivaled the fish life on some of the
reefs we visited. There were no rays, eels, turtles or sharks though so
I give the edge to diving. There was only one really pretty coral

We snorkeled for about an hour, the rain water was really cold on my
back and legs- which I can't get to stay underwater even if I try (I
need ankle weights or something, just a pound or two to make me slightly
less positive), and then we went and wandered the park. They have an
alligator exhibit and some beautiful gardens. By this time it was
absolutely pouring so we skipped the 'archeological area' though I was
curious what that was. After watching the dolphins for a bit, it was
time to check in for my manatee encounter.
The encounter was $59, including the admission fee, so a fairly decent
deal I thought. Turns out manatees are not very popular, as I was the
only one to do the encounter. I got 30 minutes with the 3 manatees, all
by myself

(Plus the trainer.) The encounter consisted of standing on a platform
taking requisite "kiss", "hug", and "handshake" photos and then I got
to jump off the platform and free swim while feeding the manatees. They
apparently eat all day long, and I was given like 5 heads of lettuce
and quite a few handfuls of papaya and pineapple to feed them. The
manatees LOVE the papaya and will fight you for it- all three ganged up
on me, and they would grab your legs and pull on you. It was really
cool, but quite honestly, I was glad for the life jacket!

Everyone get a nice long look at those photos because the photo services
at Chankanaab are more of a rip-off than a cab paying in USD. It is $37
for one photo, or $72 (900 pesos, at least they exchange fairly) for a
CD with all of them. I wanted 4 photos printed, so I bought the CD. I
got 138 images, but since manatees are generally underwater they are
mostly picture of me looking goofy petting a gray blob. But still, I'm
glad I bought them. Apparently they charge for photos by person in the
group, so it's a good thing Kevin decided he didn't want to do the
manatee swim
I think the only thing that would have made this better was if I could
have put on a scuba tank and just sat below them and watched them. The
interaction was great, but getting to dip my head underwater was the
best part- really seeing them clearly. Of course, if it was scuba, I
couldn't do it on my off day

After the manatee swim we thought about snorkeling more, but it was
still a constant pour, not a light drizzle, so we called it a day and
headed back to the resort.
Topside: Hotel
We stayed at the Sunscape Sabor which was selected predominantly by
price. We got a package, but if we assumed $600 per person for our
flights (which is low, as I think they were more in the $700 range), the
hotel came out to $100 per day- for two people at all All Inclusive,
that seemed like a darn good bargain. I will say I in the AI sense, I
did not "get my money's worth". I had a sip of a margarita that I deemed
to strong and gave away...
So, we went into it thinking if the food was as good as Applebees and the rooms about the same as a
Holiday Inn Express, all was good. In the end, that was about right.\
The most important thing was the pier. It was just a few minutes walk
down the beach from our room and no charge for use. That was a major
Our room was basic but looked surprisingly like the photo on the website.
We were asked multiple times if we were on our honeymoon. I really hope
whomever assigned our room didn't think we were- as the double beds
weren't that romantic. We thought about asking for a king, but liked the
location of the room (right by the snack bar and main pool- about as
close a walk to the pier as you can get at the Sabor.) We've seen
people describe this place as "small" but walking to the back of the
property seemed pretty long to us, so we didn't want to chance a long
walk to get a king bed. We were on the first floor but our patio was
railed off, which I preferred as it made me feel a bit more secure
leaving my stuff out to dry on it. (The ones without rails people did
the same...)
The rooms floor was tile and concrete and I found it to be sticky at
times. We usually put towels on the floor to act as area rugs. The pool
towels were much more comfortable/soft than the bath towels, so we kind
of hoarded those. The room had a fan and A/C that worked really well.
Still, the A/C could not combat the humidity, so we chose damp over
freezing, and as the rainy week went on, things in the room just were
really wet feeling. There was a mini bar that was replenished daily: 4
sodas, 2 beers, 2 waters- they had no issue giving us more water on
request. We got 4 waters daily, plus the other stuff. The beds were
hard but comfortable enough. Bedding was not super soft, but it was
serviceable. There were too pillow choices: too hard and too soft.
Goldilocks was not pleased, but I slept.
The bathroom was not overly large but the tub had a ledge on the back
and around the side that made sitting and shaving nice. It also was
fairly flat which made standing to shower in a tub easier. There was no
plug though so you couldn't bathe, and the tub was kind of sketchy
looking, so I'm not sure I'd want to. The bathroom had no fan, just a
window you could open, so it got really really humid and gross. The
sink area was separate from the tub/toilet and had a
hair dryer
though I never used it. The lighting in that area was poor, but there
was a second mirror so you could get closer to it than the one behind
the sink. Our sink leaked if you stopped it up and then released all
the water at once- upon inspection, it was held together by
electrical tape.
The facilities of the resort were basic but nice. There were multiple restaurants, I'll go into when I talk about food.
We only ever went to 1 bar, but I think there were 4 of them. The
drinks were poured heavy. I got drinks for my husband and one was
literally half a glass of vodka. He didn't drink much due to the diving,
but had no complaints. I had pineapple juice most of the week. If you
asked, they'd make blended smoothies, but they weren't really anything
more than juice and ice. The bar had swings, which seemed like they'd
be fun, but in the end I decided it was over-rated.

There were 3 pools: the main pool, a smaller pool in the back of the
resort and the scuba pool. The scuba pool can only be used if you are
under instruction. I'm in the picture for scale. It was tiny. 1/3 of
the pool has a ledge at 5 feet and the other 2/3 were about 15 feet I
The main pool wasn't huge, but it was never crowded. There were lots of
chairs around it, and occasionally they would string a volleyball net.
There was also a basketball hoop- which Kevin hurt himself dunking while
jumping into the pool. His heel is still bothering him and he's using a
cane. He said he was worried about catching his fingers and didn't
think about landing. At least he made the shot.
The final pool seemed to always be filled with kids. We didn't go there much.
The lobby has free wi-fi. It wasn't super reliable but we were able to
post to facebook, scubaboard, check email, basic websurf (how much do
you really want to do on vacation) and most importantly communicate with
our dive op. It's free, which is way more important to me than being
in room. Plus, since we had to go to the lobby, it made me not want to
spend TOO much time on the internet. The lobby was often crowded with
people on devices but there was usually somewhere to sit.
My biggest complaint about the resort comes because I'm an old
fuddy-duddy. It was INCREDIBLY loud at night. The 7:00 movie in the
lobby (usually when we were checking email) had volume so loud we would
seek out how far we could go before we were out of range. It hurt my
ears. And at about 9:30 each night there was a show, and that was
usually when I was trying to go to bed. The room by the pool was nice
during the day to get to things, but right by the 'action' at night and I
just wanted them to be quiet! It was generally quiet by 11. There is a
club to dance at at night (never went there) and we could not hear
I can't rate the entertainment, because I have no idea what was
available. I saw about 30 seconds of the fire show while trying to see
what the noise was, and just ignored the other shows. Most of the
scheduled activities during the day took place before 2:00, and we were
diving then. I did see the tail end of a dance lesson, and it was just
sad: 3 staff members teaching one lady to do the dance. Participation,
for that one at least, was not high.
The overall feel of the resort was "kind of run down, but pretty". We
didn't really use the beach, but we snorkeled one day and it was decent